Managerial Practices in Business Firms


European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM) Vol 3 No 6 (2018)

European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM) is a peer reviewed journal published by IPRJB. The scopes of the EJBSM include, but not limited to business, management, marketing, finance, economics, human resource management, strategies and decision science. The journal is published in both printed and online versions. The ambition of EJBSM is to become a recognized top tier journal, acclaimed for redirecting international business research and management studies for defining new directions.


  • Influence of Green Reward and Compensation Practice on Environmental Sustainability in Selected Service Based State Corporations in Kenya
  • Effect of Taxpayers Knowledge and Tax Rates on Tax Compliance amongst SMEs in Nakuru County Kenya
  • Impact of Social Media Usage on Organizational Performance of Saccos in Kenya (A Case Study of KUSCCO Sacco Affliates)
  • Influence of Inter-Functional Coordination on Performance of Insurance Organizations in Kenya
  • Effect of Total Quality Management Practices on Operational Efficiency of Container Depots in Mombasa County
Category Book Chapters
Publisher: IPRJB peer reviewed journals and books publishers
Authors: Rael Jeruto Mandago, Robin Mariita Aondo, Alice Wakuthii Koori, Esther Waruiru and Omar Mohamed Abubakar
Pages: 121