Educational Landscapes


African Journal of Education and Practice Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020)

African Journal of Education and Practice (AJEP) is a peer reviewed African journal published by IPRJB. It has significant findings that provide knowledge to readers on education environments, innovative responses, preparation programs, teaching and learning in all levels education and practice. Published both in printed and online version the journal is of high factor.


  • Influence of Monitoring and Evaluation on Management of Public Secondary School Resources in Mandera County, Kenya
  • An Evaluation of Public Secondary Schools’ Education Financing and Its Impact on Service Quality in Lusaka, Zambia
  • Influence of School Resources Allocation on Disaster Risk Management in Public Secondary Schools in Nairobi City County Kenya
  • Institutional Financial Resource Dynamics and Total Quality Management Achievement in Technical Institutions in Kenya
  • Influence of Leadership Connectivity on Provision of Holistic Training on Student-Teachers in Public Primary Teachers Training Colleges
Category Book Chapters
Publisher: IPRJB peer reviewed journals and books publishers
Authors: Issak Maalim Adow, Chrine C. Hapompwe, Ignatius N. Munyiri, Joseph Mwangi Macharia and Lydiah Nyambura Kamamia
Pages: 118