Journal of Animal Health is a peer-reviewed journal published by the International Peer Reviewed Journals and Books (IPRJB). It covers various topics related to animal health, disease, reproduction, and productivity. The journal aims to provide high-quality research articles that can contribute to the advancement of knowledge and practice in the field of animal health. According to a recent report by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the number of scientific publications on animal health has increased by 62% from 2010 to 2019, reflecting the growing interest and importance of this subject. Journal of Animal Health is one of the leading journals in this field, with an impact factor of 3.1 and an ISSN of 2709-5517 (Online). The journal has published more than 100 articles since its inception in 2021, covering various aspects of animal health such as climate change, environmental contaminants, parasites, diseases, nutrition, genetics, immunology, and pharmacology.

Source: Google

One of the distinctive features of Journal of Animal Health is its indexing in several reputable databases and search engines such as Google Scholar, Crossref, EBSCOhost, and SCILIT. These platforms provide greater visibility and accessibility for the journal and its articles, enhancing their citation and impact. Indexing also ensures that the journal meets the international standards and criteria for academic publishing.

Journal of Animal Health apart from other journals has quality review, speed, and customer responsiveness in handling journal submissions and publications. The journal follows a rigorous double-blind peer review process that ensures the validity, originality, and significance of the research articles. The peer review process takes between 2 weeks and 2 months, depending on the complexity and quality of the manuscript. The journal also provides prompt feedback and support for the authors throughout the publication process, ensuring their satisfaction and convenience. Compared to other journals in the same field, Journal of Animal Health has the best customer responsiveness rating according to a survey conducted by IPRJB.

Furthermore, Journal of Animal Health offers some additional benefits for the authors who publish their work in the journal. These include publication e-certificates for each author, DOI for each publication, free access to the online version of the journal, and discounts for future submissions. Moreover, publishing in Journal of Animal Health is cost-friendly at USD 150 per article, with numerous payment methods that are convenient for the authors such as PayPal, Pesapal, bank transfer, Payoneer, Western Union, and mobile banking.

Source: Google

In conclusion, Journal of Animal Health is a reputable and reliable journal that provides a platform for researchers and practitioners to share their findings and insights on animal health. The journal has a high impact factor, a wide indexing coverage, a fast and quality review process, a high customer responsiveness rate, and a low publication cost. IPRJB journals are committed to excellence and innovation in academic publishing, and Journal of Animal Health is one of their flagship journals that exemplifies these values.



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