How to check quality of a journal is a crucial question for researchers who want to publish their work in reputable and credible sources. In this article, we will provide some guidelines and tips on how to evaluate the quality of a journal, especially those published by IPRJB.

One of the first indicators of quality is the indexing status of a journal. Indexing means that the journal is included in a database that allows users to search and access its articles. Some of the most popular and reliable indexing services are Google Scholar, Crossref, EBSCOhost and SCILIT. These services have certain criteria and standards that journals have to meet in order to be indexed. Therefore, being indexed by them implies that the journal has a certain level of quality and visibility. IPRJB journals are indexed by all these services, which means that they are widely recognized and accessible by the academic community.

Source: Google

Another aspect of quality is the peer review process. Peer review is the evaluation of a manuscript by experts in the same field who provide feedback and suggestions for improvement. Peer review ensures that the articles published in a journal are original, relevant, accurate and ethical. The peer review process also helps authors to improve their writing and research skills. IPRJB journals have a rigorous and transparent peer review process that takes between 2 weeks and 2 months, depending on the complexity and quality of the manuscript. The reviewers are carefully selected from a pool of qualified and experienced researchers who provide constructive and unbiased comments.

A third factor of quality is the customer service and responsiveness of a journal. This refers to how well a journal communicates with its authors, reviewers and readers, and how quickly it responds to their queries and requests. A good journal should provide clear and timely information about its submission guidelines, publication fees, editorial policies, copyright issues, etc. A good journal should also be responsive to feedback and complaints, and resolve any problems or disputes that may arise. IPRJB journals excel in this aspect, as they have a dedicated and friendly team of editors and staff who are always ready to assist their customers. IPRJB journals also have a fast turnaround time for publication, usually within 4 weeks after acceptance. Moreover, IPRJB journals provide publication e-certificates to each author and DOI numbers to each article, which enhance their credibility and citation.

Source: Google

Finally, a quality journal should be affordable and convenient for its authors. Publishing in a journal usually involves some costs, such as submission fees, publication fees, page charges, etc. These costs vary depending on the journal’s policies and practices, but they should be reasonable and transparent. A quality journal should also offer various payment methods that suit the preferences and needs of its authors. IPRJB journals are very cost-friendly, as they charge only USD 150 for publication, which is lower than many other journals in the same field. IPRJB journals also accept multiple payment methods, such as PayPal, Pesapal, bank transfer, Payoneer, Western Union and mobile banking.

In conclusion, how to check quality of a journal is an important skill for researchers who want to publish their work in reputable sources. Some of the criteria that can help them evaluate the quality of a journal are indexing status, peer review process, customer service and responsiveness, and affordability and convenience. IPRJB journals meet all these criteria and more, making them one of the best choices for publishing high-quality research articles.



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