The field of Economics has witnessed remarkable growth in publication over the past few decades, with a significant increase in the number of international journals dedicated to this discipline. This statistical trend reflects the expanding interest and importance of economic research in addressing global challenges. According to data from the World Bank, the number of academic publications related to economics has grown at an average annual rate of approximately 5% over the last ten years. This indicates a robust and sustained expansion of economic literature, encompassing a wide range of topics and methodologies.

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The International Journal of Economics (IJECON) from IPRJB JOURNALS is a reputable and prestigious journal that publishes high-quality research papers in the field of economics. The journal covers a wide range of topics, such as macroeconomics, microeconomics, international trade, development economics, public finance, monetary economics, and more. According to the latest statistics, the International Journal of Economics has a high impact factor and citation rate, indicating its academic excellence and influence in the discipline. The journal is indexed by several prominent index engines, such as EBSCOhost, EconLit, RePEc, Crossref and Google Scholar. These index engines help to increase the visibility and accessibility of the journal articles, as well as to facilitate the dissemination and citation of the research.

One of the distinctive features of the International Journal of Economics (IJECON) from IPRJB JOURNALS is its rigorous and efficient peer review process. The journal adheres to the highest standards of quality and ethics in reviewing the submitted manuscripts. The journal has a team of qualified and experienced editors and reviewers who evaluate the manuscripts based on their originality, relevance, significance, validity, and clarity. The peer review process takes between 2 weeks and 2 months, depending on the complexity and quality of the manuscripts. The journal also provides constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement to the authors. Another advantage of publishing in the International Journal of Economics (IJECON) from IPRJB JOURNALS is its customer-oriented service and support. The journal values the satisfaction and convenience of its authors and readers. The journal offers a fast and easy online submission system, as well as a user-friendly website that provides all the necessary information and guidelines for authors. The journal also provides publication e-certificates to each author and DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to each publication. These features help to enhance the recognition and credibility of the authors and their publications. The journal has an impact factor of 3.5  The papers can be downloaded from the website.

International Journal of Economics (IJECON) from IPRJB JOURNALS is an affordable and accessible journal that charges a reasonable publication fee of USD 150 per article. The journal accepts various payment methods, such as PayPal, credit card, bank transfer, Western Union, and more. These payment methods are convenient and secure for the authors from different countries and regions.

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In conclusion, International Journal of Economics is an ideal choice for authors who wish to publish their research in a reputable and prestigious journal that offers high-quality peer review, fast publication, customer service, indexing, e-certificates, DOI, and low publication fee. IPRJB journals are proud to present the International Journal of Economics as one of their flagship journals that showcases the best research in economics from around the world. Submit your paper to



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