
  • Nancy Adagala Maasai Mara University


communication channels, communication audit, internal publics


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze feedback mechanisms used in POSSS: the case of Nairobi County, Kenya.

Methodology: The study used a descriptive research design engaging both the qualitative and quantitative approaches. A sample size of 18 schools with a total of 162 individuals was selected consisting School Managers (SMs), Heads of Departments (HODs) and Presidents of the Students' Councils (POSCO) - categories using stratified and purposive sampling methods. The preferred data collection tools were questionnaires and an interview guide. Data was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics

Results: Findings from the study indicated that private secondary schools use all the communication channels; oral, written and electronic identified in the study even though some of the channels are given greater emphasis in transmitting school information than others. The findings also pointed   to loopholes in feedback mechanisms since effective feedback was not always obtained in Privately Owned Secondary Schools (POSSs). The study also showed that websites as a communication tool was not effectively used since some POSSs had no websites, and those that had, were not effective for various reasons. The findings implied that there existed challenges in the use of email and hence email as a communication tool was ineffective.

Policy recommendation: The study recommended that   future   studies can then investigate whether this status quo had changed. In addition, the study had contributed to communication audit methodology because of its rigorous and methodical approach in verifying the existence and effectiveness of communication in POSS   promote idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, inspiration motivation and individualized consideration as they influence performance positively.


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Author Biography

Nancy Adagala, Maasai Mara University

School of Arts and Social Sciences, Department of Media, Film and Communication


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How to Cite

Adagala, N. (2017). FEEDBACK MECHANISMS USED IN POSSS: THE CASE OF NAIROBI COUNTY, KENYA. International Journal of Communication and Public Relation, 1(1), 79–100. Retrieved from


