
  • Edward Kiplangat Boiyon School of Education: University of Kabianga
  • Joshua Manduku School of Education: University of Kabianga
  • Joseph Rotumoi School of Education: University of Kabianga


Quality management System's Audit, customer satisfaction, Public Universities


Purpose: The objective of this study was to: investigate the relationship between Quality Management System's Audit and Customer Satisfaction in Public Universities in Kenya.

Methodology: The researcher employed Correlation research design using mixed methods approach. This study was undertaken in public universities in Kenya. There were 31 public universities in Kenya. These universities are spread across the country. Out of these, 15 had been awarded ISO 9001 QMS certification (KEBS, 2019). A sample of 8 universities was used for the study. All universities are regulated by CUE hence the same standards ought to apply in regard QMS. Data was analyzed using both descriptive statistics such as frequencies, mean, mode, median and inferential statistics such as linear regression. Data was presented using tables and figures. 

Findings: The coefficient of determination also known as the R-square of 0.222 was found. This means that Quality Management System's audit explains only 22.2% of the variations in the customer satisfaction at the Universities that were studied. The study shows there was a weak relationship between Quality Management System's Audit and Customer Satisfaction (β =0.111). The relationship was also not significant at 5% level of significance (P-value=0.087>0.050). This finding implied that an improvement in Quality Management System's audit by one unit led to a 11.1% -unit improvement in customer satisfaction.

Unique Contribution to theory, practice and Policy: The results of this research may inform both the public universities and the Ministry of Education in Kenya so that they may appreciate the issue of quality of services so as to enhance customer satisfaction. Universities management may also benefit from the results of the study because it may expose the gaps in auditing and how it affects quality of management of Universities. Organizations receive ISO 9001 certification that specifies the requirements for a quality management system where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently produce quality products and services. ISO 9001 certification also aims to enhance the quality of services through effective application of the system, continual improvement, the assurance of conformity to customers and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Universities in Kenya should adhere to Universities Regulations, as they  strengthen their internal quality assurance structures, systems and mechanisms with aim of improving customer satisfaction


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Author Biographies

Edward Kiplangat Boiyon, School of Education: University of Kabianga

Post Graduate Student

Joshua Manduku, School of Education: University of Kabianga


Joseph Rotumoi, School of Education: University of Kabianga



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How to Cite

Boiyon, E. K., Manduku, J., & Rotumoi, J. (2020). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM’S AUDIT AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES IN KENYA. African Journal of Education and Practice, 6(3), 54 – 69. Retrieved from


