
  • Kahiu David Njoroge School of Education, Department of Special Needs and ECDE Maasai Mara University
  • Dr. Paul Maithya School of Education, Department of Special Needs and ECDE Maasai Mara University
  • Lillian Milimu School of Education, Department of Special Needs and ECDE Maasai Mara University


Assistive device, Retention of learners and physical handicaps.


Purpose: This study sought to find out  the  influence of assistive devices as concerns  has been raised by various stakeholders in education over the  types of assistive devices available in public  primary  schools and  their  contribution towards  retention  of learners with physical Challenges in public  primary  schools  in Ngong sub county of  Kajiado county.

Methods: This study employed descriptive survey research design. The target population comprised of thirty three (33) headteachers, from 33 public primary schools in Ngong Sub-County, four hundred (400) teachers and forty (40) pupils with physical challenges. Ten (10) schools with pupils with physical challenges were selected using Purposive sampling method. The ten schools had a population of ten (10) headteachers, one hundred and eighty (180) teachers and forty (40) learners with physical challenges. Questionnaires were used as instruments for collecting data from headteachers and teachers. Interview guides were used for collecting data from learners with physical challenges. Data analysis was done using percentages and frequency distribution tables.

Results: The study found out that majority of the teachers said that mobility devices were not available for children with challenges. Majority of the headteachers interviewed said that the assistive devices did not help in retention of learners with physical challenges. All the teachers said that mobility devices such as walking bars and scooters were not assistive in enhancing retention of learners with physical challenges.83.3% and 75% of the teachers said that positioning aids and academic aids use were not assistive device for enhancing retention of learners with physical challenges.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study recommends proper mechanism be put in place to appreciate and recognize the needs of assistive devices for children with physical Challenges among key stakeholders of the Education sector and the public at large.


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Author Biographies

Kahiu David Njoroge, School of Education, Department of Special Needs and ECDE Maasai Mara University

Post Graduate Student

Dr. Paul Maithya, School of Education, Department of Special Needs and ECDE Maasai Mara University


Lillian Milimu, School of Education, Department of Special Needs and ECDE Maasai Mara University



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How to Cite

Njoroge, K. D., Maithya, D. P., & Milimu, L. (2019). EVALUATION OF ASSISTIVE DEVICES AND RETENTION OF LEARNERS WITH PHYSICAL HANDICAPS IN MAINSTREAMED PUBLIC PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG SUB-COUNTY OF KAJIANDO COUNTY, KENYA. African Journal of Education and Practice, 4(1), 73 – 83. Retrieved from https://www.iprjb.org/journals/index.php/AJEP/article/view/957


