
  • Linda Mukolwe Muyoti Pan Africa Christian University
  • Dr. Percy Opio Pan Africa Christian University


Shared Leadership, Trust, Conflict Management Style, Team Performance


Purpose: To assess the qualities of high performance teams in World Vision Kenya.

Methodology: The study adopted a survey research design.  

Findings: Descriptive results revealed that both the team members and the team leaders agreed with the statements on shared leadership, trust and conflict management style. The inferential statistics revealed that shared leadership, trust and conflict management style had a positive and significant relationship with team performance.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study will help reveal strengths in teams as well as disclose weaknesses that need to be addressed in order to get teams performing at the highest level. World Vision Kenya leadership will benefit from the findings of this study which will enable them make informed decisions regarding appropriate support and investment required for team empowerment. Teams that are not performing at their best level stand to gain from learning from HPTs. This study further intends to contribute to knowledge on characteristics of high performance teams.


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Author Biographies

Linda Mukolwe Muyoti, Pan Africa Christian University

Post Graduate Diploma Student

Dr. Percy Opio, Pan Africa Christian University



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How to Cite

Muyoti, L. M., & Opio, D. P. (2017). AN ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITIES OF HIGH PERFORMANCE TEAMS - A CASE STUDY OF WORLD VISION KENYA. Journal of Human Resource and Leadership, 2(6), 1–20. Retrieved from


