Effects of Strategic Management Drivers on Participation of Women in Economic Development: A Survey of Changamwe Constituency, Kenya


  • Festus Muendo Munyao Kenyatta University
  • Maina Rugami Kenyatta University


availability of funds, effects of strategic management drivers, business planning, entrepreneurial trainings, embracing new technology


Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to establish the effects of strategic management drivers on participation of women in economic development activities in Changamwe constituency in Mombasa County, Kenya

Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population of the study comprised of one hundred and eight three (183) women groups registered under social services and operating within Changamwe Constituency in Mombasa County. A sample size of 55 respondents was used for this study and it was drawn from operational women business enterprises in Changamwe. The 55 respondents were drawn from the 183 women groups' enterprises which translate to 30% by picking one at an interval of three from the first respondent: Primary data was collected through administration of questionnaires. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize and analyze the data. This included the use of frequencies, and percentages.

Results: Based on the findings The study found that education and training opportunities play a key role in cultivating future entrepreneurs and in developing the abilities of existing entrepreneurs to grow their business to greater levels of success

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommends that the starting point of every women group should be determining a group existing vision, mission, objectives and strategies. In addition the loan period should always depend on the amount of loan advanced to the intending borrowers


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Author Biographies

Festus Muendo Munyao, Kenyatta University

Post graduate student

Maina Rugami, Kenyatta University

Chairman, Department of Business Administration


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How to Cite

Munyao, F. M., & Rugami, M. (2016). Effects of Strategic Management Drivers on Participation of Women in Economic Development: A Survey of Changamwe Constituency, Kenya. Journal of Developing Country Studies, 1(1), 40–60. Retrieved from https://www.iprjb.org/journals/index.php/JDCS/article/view/37


