Factors That Influence Effective Communication of Agricultural Information among Farmers - The Case of Farmers in South West Kisumu Ward, Kisumu County


  • Miriam A Awili Daystar University
  • Prof. White Daystar University
  • Dr. Stephen Kimotho Daystar University


choice of media, socio demographic characteristics, effective communication, attitude


Purpose: The purpose of study was to establish factors influencing effective communication of agricultural information among farmers in South West Kisumu Ward, Kisumu County. 

Methodology: The study utilized a descriptive survey research design. The target population comprised of 3054 households that practice agriculture in South West Kisumu Ward (KNBS, 2013). The study used Fostgate (2012) formula to calculate the sample size. The sample size was 72 respondents. This study used stratified random sampling. The sample was distributed equally among the three (3) strata of sub-locations (namely Ojolla, Osiri and Kanyawegi). Further, the study adopted purposive sampling with the help of the sub-chiefs to identify the farmers who could be having relevant information. The study used a questionnaire and a key informant interview guide to obtain primary data. The questionnaires were self administered. The researcher also booked appointment with four (4) key informants (one from each village and an agricultural extension officer). To check the validity and reliability of the questionnaires in gathering the data required for purposes of the study, a pilot study was carried out. Data analysis included descriptive and inferential statistics.

Results: Result findings showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between choice of media, socio demographic characteristics and effective communication of agricultural information as supported by beta coefficients of 0.286 and 0.750 respectively. Further, results also showed that there is a negative and significant relationship between language barrier, farmers' attitude and effective communication of agricultural information as supported by beta coefficients of -0.036 and -0.069 respectively

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommended that the Ministry of Agriculture, through the relevant contact persons at the community level, should build the capacity of village leaders.  This is to enable them effectively disseminate agricultural information without bias.  Agricultural agencies working in the study area should empower the women groups with agricultural information, given that there are more female farmers than male.


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Author Biographies

Miriam A Awili, Daystar University

Post graduate Student, School of Communication, Language & Performing Arts

Prof. White, Daystar University

Lecturer, School of Communication, Language & Performing Arts

Dr. Stephen Kimotho, Daystar University

Lecturer, School of Communication, Language & Performing Arts


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How to Cite

Awili, M. A., White, P., & Kimotho, D. S. (2016). Factors That Influence Effective Communication of Agricultural Information among Farmers - The Case of Farmers in South West Kisumu Ward, Kisumu County. Journal of Developing Country Studies, 1(1), 1–20. Retrieved from https://www.iprjb.org/journals/index.php/JDCS/article/view/21


