The Impact of ICT on Higher Education Institutions in Ethiopia


  • Musa Dima Genemo Arsi University
  • Dr. Telkapalli Murali Krishna Wolaita Sodo University


Impact of ICT, ICT services, Higher Education, Organizational Change


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of ICT on Higher Education Institution (HEI). More specifically, the study focuses on the following specific objectives: to clearly identify how ICT affects the outcome of HEI education quality; to judge the effectiveness of ICT in HEI; and to explore the presence significant differences among HEI in various attempt ICT utilizations and effective usage in universities. In order to achieve these objectives, an attempt has been made to respond the following basic research questions: How ICT improves education quality in HEI? What are the major problems and their possible causes of ICT utilization in HEI? And how often instructors and students use ICT for academic purpose?

Methodology: Descriptive research method was employed in this study. Research Methods are used for describing the real ICT impact in HEI and the difference seen among the universities regarding ICT utilization. To collect data from the respondents both close-ended and open ended questionnaires have been included. Concerning the samples; among selected number of the study population, the respondents were selected as a sample through cluster sampling technique.

Results: The findings of this research indicate that ICT has Positive impact on higher education.

Recommendations: Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and MOE should ensure that ICT infrastructure has been fulfilled in Universities especially in two science and technology universities. So government should ensure adequate computers and the Internet connectivity across the country especially in newly established (2nd and 3rd generation universities) and the two Science and Technology universities.


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Author Biographies

Musa Dima Genemo, Arsi University

Lecturer, Department of SEAsst. Professor in IT

Dr. Telkapalli Murali Krishna, Wolaita Sodo University



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How to Cite

Genemo, M. D., & Krishna, D. T. M. (2016). The Impact of ICT on Higher Education Institutions in Ethiopia. International Journal of Technology and Systems, 1(2), 1–11. Retrieved from


