


Mobile Banking Platform, Hello Money, Mobile Banking,


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyse extent of customer satisfaction with mobile banking: a case study of Barclays bank of Kenya's hello money.

Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive research design. This study focused on one of the industry leaders in Kenya's banking industry: Barclays Bank of Kenya. This study focused on the 119,611 Barclays Bank of Kenya's customers who have signed up for Hello Money. The preferred data collection instrument was the questionnaire and it was used to collect primary data. SPSS 17 was the tool through which data was converted into percentages and frequencies were executed.

Results: The research findings established that there was wide acceptance for this mode of self-service technology.  The study concludes that system availability is poor as the customers were not able to transact at their convenience, but rather when the system is available. The study concludes that there is a significant level of disinterest in the contact centre, with customers not having feedback to their perception of the quality of issue resolution, quality of advice, promptness of answering phone calls, promptness of email responses and overall professionalism of the contact centre staff. The study concludes that system availability is poor as the customers were not able to transact at their convenience, but rather when the system is available.

The study concludes that there is a significant level of disinterest in the contact centre, with customers not having feedback to their perception of the quality of issue resolution, quality of advice, promptness of answering phone calls, promptness of email responses and overall professionalism of the contact centre staff.

 Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: There is need to ensure that it offers the ubiquity that it sells by increasing its uptime. More emphasis needs to be placed on training users; There is need to review the transaction speeds offered; whether too fast or too slow, or whether they should offer different options The contact centre should complement the adoption of technological self-service channels.


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Author Biographies


Post graduate student Chandaria School of Business


Lecturer Chandaria School of Business


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How to Cite

Achieng, A. D., & Ouma, D. C. (2016). EXTENT OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION WITH MOBILE BANKING: A CASE STUDY OF BARCLAYS BANK OF KENYA’S HELLO MONEY. International Journal of Technology and Systems, 1(1), 124–142. Retrieved from https://www.iprjb.org/journals/index.php/IJTS/article/view/147


