Cobalt, removal, Water hyacinth roots, Langmuir isothermAbstract
Purpose: In the present study, removal of cobalt (II) from aqueous solutions by using dried roots of water hyacinth has been investigated.
Methodology: The removal of cobalt was examined as a function of initial concentration of cobalt, pH, weight of roots and contact time. Ten different concentrations from 10µ to 100 µ were used. The obtained results are applied for Langmuir, Freundlich and Timken isotherms.
Findings: The results indicated that the removal of cobalt depend on concentration of cobalt, weight of roots, pH and very rapid. Comparing the regressions and error values of the used isotherms indicated that the removal of cobalt by water hyacinth roots follows a Langmuir isotherm better than Freundlich and Timken isotherms. Langmuir dimensionless constant indicated that the removal of cobalt by water hyacinth roots is favorable.
Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: This investigation indicated a new material successfully removes cobalt (II) from aqueous solutions. And can be used for removing 60Co from aqueous solutions that might be released into the environment from radioactive waste.
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