
  • Julias Ouma Awino Tangaza University College; Institute of Social Transformation
  • Dr. Dennis Juma (Ph.D.) Tangaza University College; Institute of Social Transformation
  • Dr. Jeketule Soko (Ph.D) Tangaza University College; Institute of Social Transformation


Staffing, Funding, Community Support,Communication, Service Delivery of Donor Funded Projects


Purpose: The study aimed to establish influence of staffing on service delivery of donor funded projects in Kieni  West Sub-county, Nyeri County.

Methods: The study deployed use of descriptive research design. The target population was nine thousand six hundred and ninety-nine (9,699). Purposive sampling technique was used to select the three organizations that took part in the study. Questionnaire and interview guide were used in data collection. The collected data was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative data analysis approaches based on the research questions.Descriptive statistics was used to summarize quantitative data into tables and figures and the results presented in frequencies and percentages. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 21 was used to code data and conduct statistical analysis on selected managerial factors and service delivery of donor funded projects in Kieni West Sub-county in Nyeri County.Qualitative data was derived from open-ended questions The data was edited, coded and reported using descriptive narratives of the views, experiences and opinions of the respondents.

Results: The results showed that majority of the staff members who were involved in the donor funded projects did not possess the necessary skills in the running of the projects. The researcher was also able to note that capacity building for the leaders has got a greater influence on service delivery, and finally, it was established that absence of commitment leadership is a great hindrance to the strategic implementation of the donor funded projects

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: Based on the research findings, it is expected that the stakeholders, who include: the donors, funded project managers, and the beneficiaries will gain a better understanding of issues pertaining to donor projects management. Owing to the critical role played by donor funded projects, especially in poverty eradication, aid effectiveness requires a high priority


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Author Biographies

Julias Ouma Awino, Tangaza University College; Institute of Social Transformation

Post Graduate Student

Dr. Dennis Juma (Ph.D.), Tangaza University College; Institute of Social Transformation


Dr. Jeketule Soko (Ph.D), Tangaza University College; Institute of Social Transformation



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How to Cite

Awino, J. O., Juma (Ph.D.), D. D., & Soko (Ph.D), D. J. (2019). INFLUENCE OF STAFFING ON SERVICE DELIVERY OF DONOR FUNDED PROJECTS IN KIENI WEST SUB-COUNTY, NYERI COUNTY. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 4(2), 122 – 135. Retrieved from


