
  • Robert Okoth Kenyatta University
  • Ms. Gladys Kimutai Kenyatta University


Project management, performance, resource planning, monitoring, stakeholders participation


Purpose: The study sought to determine the effect of project management drivers on performance of microfinance institutions in Nairobi city county, Kenya.

Methodology: The study adopted descriptive research design. Sample size was 48 senior project managers MFIs working in Nairobi. Examination utilized both primary data and secondary information. Data was coded, arranged and entered into SPSS computer software for examination. SPSS version 22 was chosen since its more easier to comprehend than other statistical software. Statistics produced was descriptives statistics and inferential statistics. Particular descriptive statistics incorporated  frequencies and percentages while  inferential statistics incorporated multiple regression model. Microsoft excel utilized to supplement SPSS particularly in tables and diagrams generation.

Results: The study found that training and development, resource planning, project monitoring and stakeholders have positive and significant influence on project performance. The study also concluded that majority of the staff in organization are competent on implementation of projects. A unique contribution to theory, practice, and policy: The result recommended that an organization should have training of their staff to ensure competence which will in the long run imrpove performance. In addition  training the staff will help the organization  to augment the advantages acknowledged through the usage of venture, program, and portfolio administration programming. Moreover competent staff ensure faster implementation of projects as they know the part to play.


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Author Biographies

Robert Okoth, Kenyatta University

Post graduate student

Ms. Gladys Kimutai, Kenyatta University



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How to Cite

Okoth, R., & Kimutai, M. G. (2019). PROJECT MANAGEMENT DRIVERS AND PERFORMANCE OF MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS IN NAIROBI CITY COUNTY, KENYA. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 4(1), 1–16. Retrieved from


