
  • Isaac Ruto Katialem School of Business and Economics Kabarak University, Kenya
  • Dr. Stella Muhanji School of Business and Economics Kabarak University, Kenya
  • Prof. Robert Otuya School of Business and Management Sciences University of Eldoret, Kenya


Small and Medium Enterprises, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Growth, Manufacturing Sector


Purpose: This study sought to investigate then effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the growth of small and medium manufacturing enterprises in Nairobi County, Kenya.

Methodology: The research adopted a cross section design and descriptive research approach. Stratified random sampling was used to collect primary data from 265 SMEs in the manufacturing sector from a population of 853 SMEs registered with Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) in Nairobi County, Kenya. Data was collected by use of a self-administered questionnaire and analysed by statistical computations of means, percentages, and correlation and regression analysis using STATA statistical software.

Findings: Findings of this research indicate that with the exception of risk taking and proactiveness; innovativeness, autonomy and competitiveness aggressiveness were all statistically significant in explaining the growth of Small and medium manufacturing enterprises in Nairobi County, Kenya. Evidence from this study supports the evidence that innovativeness, autonomy and competitiveness aggressiveness are key entrepreneurial dimensions that are imperative for enhancing SME growth.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: From the empirical findings we recommend that the management of SMEs need to put more emphasis on innovativeness, autonomy and competitiveness aggressiveness in order to enhance the growth of their firms


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Author Biographies

Isaac Ruto Katialem, School of Business and Economics Kabarak University, Kenya

PhD Student

Dr. Stella Muhanji, School of Business and Economics Kabarak University, Kenya

Senior Lecturer

Prof. Robert Otuya, School of Business and Management Sciences University of Eldoret, Kenya



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How to Cite

Katialem, I. R., Muhanji, D. S., & Otuya, P. R. (2018). ENTREPRENEURIAL ORIENTATION AND SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES GROWTH: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM SMES IN THE MANUFUCTURING SECTOR OF NAIROBI COUNTY, KENYA. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 3(2), 38 – 53. Retrieved from https://www.iprjb.org/journals/index.php/IJEPM/article/view/797


