
  • Simon Kipkore Komen Post Graduate Student
  • Dr. Dennis Juma Lecturer


Mitigating, Project Management, and Construction Projects


Purpose: Many construction projects in Kenya experience performance challenges such as delays, cost overruns, suspension or complete abandonment causing the developers and stakeholders economic losses.  The objective of this study was to examine project management functions that showed a strong correlation to mitigate successful project completion focusing on projects in Nairobi County.

Methodology: This study adopted descriptive research design. A total of 90 reputable firms in the construction industry were randomly selected for interview to obtain expert views on 24 selected factors. The target group was Architects, Quantity Surveyors, Project Managers, Engineers, and Construction Managers. 90 structured questionnaires were administered. The null hypothesis was tested using Bartlett's test of sphericity on the data and the results showed a 99.9% level of significance, thus, the null hypotheses were rejected. Various data analysis using statistical package for social science was undertaken including factor analysis and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient.

Results: The findings revealed a significant, strong and positive correlation between dependent and the independent variables. All the 24 factors had a significant strong influence on successful project completion in Nairobi County. The factors under project inception were; clear and well-defined project goals, proper analysis of environment, funding-budget, the involvement of stakeholders and comprehensive assessment of project risks. The design-related factors included procurement of competent experts, well-defined deliverables, explicit project charter, clear design criteria, specifications, and comprehensive contract documentation. Based on Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, principles of management factors were rated the highest in influencing successful project completion and these were proper planning, mobilization, deployment of adequate resources, continuous monitoring and evaluation, scope control, regular and timely project audit and strict adherence to risk management process. The human-related factors were attributed to the contractor's knowledge, skill and experience, funds, adequate equipment, and competent leadership.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: It was recommended that objectives arising from the project needs should be determined clearly prior to commencement. The key factors are clearly defined goals, source adequate funding, and the involvement of all stakeholders and assess risks and risk management at inception.


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Author Biographies

Simon Kipkore Komen, Post Graduate Student

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Dr. Dennis Juma, Lecturer

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


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How to Cite

Komen, S. K., & Juma, D. D. (2018). MITIGATING PROJECT MANAGEMENT FACTORS FOR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS IN NAIROBI COUNTY. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 3(2), 1 – 25. Retrieved from


