
  • Mathiu Josphine Mwendwa KCA UNIVERSITY


facility aesthetic, ambient condition, spatial layout, hotel industry


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of services cape on sales in the hotel industry.

Methodology: The study used a descriptive sectional research design.  The target population was 200 employees in Nairobi Serena hotel.  A sample size of 50 employees was taken. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire.  The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as means and frequencies. The data analysis tool was statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 17. The data was presented using bars and charts.

Results: Findings indicated that facility aesthetic features of the hotel had a positive effect on sales. This was evident because majority of the respondents agreed with the statements that the presence of marbled wall decorations have led to an increase in sales volumes, presence of artifacts have led to an increase in sales volumes, the presence of pictures have led to an increase in sales volume, the presence of signage have led to an increase in sales volume and the presence of good facility upkeep and cleanliness have led to an increase in sales volume. Results further indicated that ambient condition of the hotel had a positive effect on sales in the hotel industry. This was evidenced by majority of the respondents agreeing with the statements that the low noise level of the hotels has led to an increase in sales, the soothing music of the hotel has led to an increase in sales, the comfortable temperature of the hotel has led to an increase in sales, and the ambient/nice scent of the hotel has led to an increase in sales. The study findings also indicated that majority of the respondents agreed with the statements that the furnishings of the hotel have led to an increase in sales, the spacious layout/ space of the hotel has led to an increase in sales, the neat seat arrangement of the hotel have led to an increase in sales, adequate car parking space of the hotel has led to an increase in sales, and the comfortable chairs of the hotel have led to an increase in sales.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy:  study findings, it is recommended that all employees be trained on the importance of facility aesthetic and their maintenance so that the sales volume could be increased. The study recommended that the management to work on the conditions of the hotel so that both the employees and the customers can be comfortable and hence referrals to other people thus increased sales. The study findings recommended that the management ensures that the hotel is spacious, comfortable seats and good furnishings to attract customers thus increased sales. The study also recommended that future studies should also investigate whether there is a difference in the effect of services capes between no star, one star, 2 star, 3 star, 4star and 5 star hotels. Further studies recommended on the effect of facility aesthetic, ambient condition and spatial layout on product and manufacturing companies should be carried out.


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Author Biography

Mathiu Josphine Mwendwa, KCA UNIVERSITY

Undergraduate Student


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How to Cite

Mwendwa, M. J. (2016). THE EFFECT OF SERVICESCAPE ON SALES IN THE HOTEL INDUSTRY (A CASE STUDY OF NAIROBI SERENA HOTEL). International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 1(2), 160–177. Retrieved from


