Protective Role of Herbal Plants in Hepatotoxicity
Herbal Plants, Hepatotoxicity, LiverAbstract
Purpose: The liver is largest metabolic organ involved in detoxification and synthesis of essential biomolecules in the human body. Liver damage occurs due to chronic alcohol abuse, viral infections (Hepatitis A, B, C) medicines, poor hygiene, smoking, dietary substances, chemicals (Carbon tetra chloride, thioacetamide, acetaminophen, D-Galactosamine) or herb induced hepatotoxicity. The liver filters all the blood from the digestive tract, before passing it to the rest of the body to avoid the entry of toxins in the other body system and prevent severe consequences. Hepatic insufficiency may increase plasma total cholesterol and triacylglycerols with high risk of atheroscelerosis and cardiovascular disease. Free radical formation in the alcohol use result in development of hepatitis leading to cirrhosis. Plants have been used to protect liver injury by various chemicals.
Methodology: In this study we reviewed some popular herbal plants having hepatoprotective potential.
Findings: Polyphenols, flavonoids, terpenoids are natural antioxidants and the consumption of foods that contain these compounds in large quantities seems to play an important role in prophylaxis against many diseases.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: Herbal drugs are safe and have potential to cure hepatotoxicity. In India many plants have been identified as hepatoprotective drugs and used to treat liver disorders.
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