
  • Judy B.N. Njenga The University of Liverpool


ISO 9001, 2008 certification, corporate image


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of ISO 9001 certification among Private Hospitals in Kenya.  Empirical results on the impact of ISO certification on organization's performance have been mixed hence the need to re-examine this relationship.

Methodology: The study used a mixed research design since both descriptive and explanatory research designs were used to describe the state of affairs of the study variables as well as test the cause and effect relationships between variables. The target population of this study was the over 100,000 customers and employees of ISO 9001 certified private hospitals in Kenya.   The sampling units for the study were drawn from the 51 hospitals listed on the sampling frame and which are also ISO 9001 certified. The sample of this study was 400 respondents broken down into 200 employees and 200 customers since the recommended minimum sample derived from a large population should be 384 (Krejcie and Morgan, 1970). Convenience sampling was done. The specific convenience sampling technique was snowballing. A close ended questionnaire based on a likert scale was used to collect data. Data was analysed by use of descriptive and inferential statistics. Specifically, frequencies, count and regression analysis results were generated using SPSS version 17.

Results: Results indicated that customer service care was highly valued and emphasized at the private hospitals. The study concluded  that customer service delivery had a positive and significant relationship with ISO 9001 certification. Results revealed that private hospitals had a good corporate image and that corporate image had a positive and significant relationship with ISO 9001 certification. Study results suggested that customer satisfaction was highly valued and emphasized at the private hospitals. However, results also indicated that there was a negative but insiginificant relationship between  customer satisfaction and ISO 9001 certification. Ffindings reveal that internal processes and procedures had a positive and significant relationship with ISO 9001 certification

Conclusions: The implications of the study are that are that hospitals should strive to get ISO certified as this has bearing on the state of departmental processes and procedures, customer service, customer satisfaction and corporate image.


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Author Biography

Judy B.N. Njenga, The University of Liverpool

Post graduate student,



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How to Cite

Njenga, J. B. (2016). THE EFFECTS OF ISO 9001:2008 AMONG PRIVATE HOSPITALS IN KENYA. Global Journal of Health Sciences, 1(1), 70–100. Retrieved from


